Compliance Tip #6—Changes in the Mandatory Notices for Employers

As in past years, there are several changes effective 1/1/2013 in the notices CA employers are required to post.   Every employer is required to post such notices in a visible place for all employees, such as a break room, hallway, etc.

Some of these changes include:

  • Updates to the Discrimination and Harassment notice.
  • Updates to the PDL and FMLA/CFRA/PDL notices (Notice A and Notice B).
  • Updates to the Workers’ Compensation notice reflecting new workers’ compensation reforms recently approved by the Division of Workers’ Compensation. (Implementation of workers’ compensation reform measures will continue during 2013. As a result, there are potential additional mandatory changes after January 1, 2013.)
  • Changes in the Cal/OSHA notice.
  • Changes in the Employee Polygraph Protection Act notice.
  • Due to federal court cases, the NLRA posting requirement remains suspended until further notice.

An excellent resource for getting the most current posters is the California Chamber website store.  The time to order them is now.

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